Finasteride – 1mg and 1.25mg

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By AugustusWilliams

I would like to share with your a question that I received via our customer service phone line: Why is Finasteride available as a 1mg or 1.25mg dosage? Which one is better? Here at Canada Drugs Direct, we are offering a wide range of prescription, non – prescribed and pet-related products. We offer promotions and discounts that are available throughout the year for both new and existing.

Let me tell you what I thought, what I found, and what I read. I hope you find the information helpful in making your decision about the best option for you.

Finasteride 1mg or Finasteride 1.25mg?

Let’s begin by explaining why these products exist and how different services might recommend them.

If you shop around for Finasteride, you’ll likely find a few services that offer 1.25 mg doses rather than the more popular 1mg.

The recommended and approved dosage of Finasteride to treat Male Pattern Baldness (or Androgenic Alopecia) in the Canada and worldwide is 1mg daily. Most services will offer it as 1mg tablets packed in blister strips within their original sealed packaging.

The 1.25mg doses almost always come in 5mg tablets that have been cut into quarters. These may be provided by the service provider already cut into quarters, or they might give you the 5mg tablets in a package and ask you to make your own.

The only reason is cost. The cost of 5 mg tablets per box is significantly lower than that of 1mg tablets. This cost savings might be passed to the customer or retained by the provider for profit, or both.

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Side note: A daily dose of 5mg Finasteride is recommended to treat prostate conditions. It would not be recommended for use in conjunction with MPB/AA.

Is the 1.25mg strength better at treating MPB/AA?

The answer to the question of whether 0.25mg per day does any extra damage to your hairline is no. Research (1) shows that 5mg Finasteride daily doesn’t result in faster hair growth or thicker hair than 1mg daily. Instead, it increases the risk of side effects.

You can always ask your doctor if you are unsure.

You should also consider the following other factors. You should be reassured that the tablet is being cut by the service you are purchasing.

You should take safety precautions if the service provides you with 5mg tablets. First, ensure that no females touch tablet segments. Second, make sure that residue is removed from the area you’ve been cutting the tablets. Finasteride can be absorbed through the skin. This could lead to defects in a unborn baby.

Also, I recommend that you get a “pill cutter”, not just a kitchen knife. You might find some 5mg tablets crumble or lose their shape if you try to split them like this. The residual powder should be thrown out, preferably at your local high-street pharmacy.

Final words

The 1.25mg Finasteride dose is not more effective than the 1mg.

You might find the 1.25mg doses fiddly, or not in their original packaging. However, they may be less expensive.

It is up to the service to provide clear instructions on how to use and handle Finasteride, regardless of where you get it. A relevant Patient Information Leaflet should be provided to you. This leaflet covers MPB/AA treatment and is not for 5mg strength, which is used for treating prostate conditions.

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